Vlipsy is the video clip soundboard—use it to quickly find and share quotes and scenes from your favorite internet videos.
The search engine for short snackable video clips enables users to express themselves through quotes and scenes from the internet’s vast video content. Founded by Chris Nickless and Matt Tew, two tech industry veterans with a wealth of knowledge in digital expression, the duo is set to bring the next wave of digital communication to the world.
In April, Vlipsy rolled out to market online at Vlipsy.com and in the App Store with a keyboard app for iMessage. Vlipsy also recently released a web embed player that will allow anyone to embed a short quote within any web page, this includes a wonderfully elegant integration with Medium where vlips (Vlipsy’s video clips) can be added to any blog post merely by pasting the link of the vlip. These are the first of many web, mobile and desktop integrations that the company plans to roll out to market in the first year.
With an emphasis on becoming the best online resource for expressive content, Vlipsy will be focused on editorial expansion in the next year. This editorial focus includes aggregating and cataloging the best content from live events, entertainment properties and viral videos into usable playlists and categories of expression, advancing the way people communicate thoughts and emotions across the internet.